
Total Tendon Platelet Rich Plasma Info PRP Blog

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Try this program to determine if it helps your symptoms. If at any time you are not sure of your diagnosis or experience pain, seek professional medical attention. You should be able to return to your activities when you elbow pain has improved. Typically, the pain should significantly improve within 4 weeks. It is also important during this program not to engage in any activity that worsens your symptoms.

Good Luck.

LEVEL ONE: STRETCHING (Click on links below to access stretch descriptions)

The stretches in this section should be done daily for 2 weeks. If your elbow pain improves proceed to Part Two.

Wrist Extensor Stretch

Wrist Flexor Stretch

After two weeks, continue your daily stretches and add the strengthening exercises in Level Two.

LEVEL TWO: STRENGTHENING (Click on links below to access exercise descriptions)

The exercises in this section should be done every other day for 2-4 weeks.

Wrist Extensor Strengthening Exercise

Wrist Flexor Strengthening Exercise